The Philips Heartstart MRX is proudly presented to you from AME. The HeartStart MRx Defibrillator for EMS and for Hospital use can be configured with options such as 3-lead or 12-lead ECG, AED function, QCPR for CPR Coaching, Non-Invasive Pacing, SpO2 Pulse Oximetry, NiBP, End Tidal CO2 using Microstream Technology, Bluetooth and Wireless communication, and other options to fit your needs.
Various defibrillators include a number of potential packages; 3 lead EKGs, 12 lead EKG, Pacing, NiBP, etc. This unit, not quite "fully loaded" includes Pacing, NiBP (non-invasive blood pressure), AED, SP02 (with a finger sensor) and BiPhasic options.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding this defibrillator or any other refurbished medical equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us.