Physio-Control Lifepak 15 (12-Lead, Biphasic, Pacing, AED, & Version 2)

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The Physio-Control Lifepak 15 premium defibrillator is proudly presented to you from AME.  The Lifepak 15 is the new standard in emergency care for ALS teams who want the most clinically innovative, operationally innovative and Lifepak device available today. Like the Lifepak 12, this unit is available with simply basic features and options, or increasingly sophisticated and versatile options. This unit, containing the most essential features, includes 12-Lead, Biphasic, Pacing, AED, and Version 2. 

The Likepak 15 is similar enough to the Lifepak 12 that those with experience using the later will find the transition to the Lifepak 15 simple, pleasant and convivial. 

For any additional questions or concerns regarding this defibrillator or any other refurbished medical equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us!